Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I am SO gonna buy a gun if you worthless losers don't comment

Listen, you who call yourselves "Americans". Show your patriotism and comment in the frickin blog. The other night, you people were reeling off names for periods like a Cambodian 7-year-old does Nike sneakers. Now that the post is up, NOTHING.

Now i know that the blog just started and the ball isn't rolling, but this blog is as much about comments as it is abuot posts. Sufficient spew is not achieved in a post, it needs sufficient after-post comment spew to hold it up. And it's YOUR JOB AS AN AMERICAN! Don't ask me why, but if you don't cmoment, we'll all be wearing turbans in a month. Either that, or we'll all have to go on Fear Factor with Joe Rogan and take a bath in cow feces.

For a picture of cow feces, click here:

Couldn't resist, could you? Now go add your period names to the post. Here's another: burgandy blowout. Now go!

p.s. I was just sent - via house elf courier - this link: http://www.mum.org/armedyb4.htm about the current place of menstration in our modern public society. Check it out, but wear a pad, it's the only copy.


Anonymous said...

Indeed, further discussion of a woman's period is warranted.
Did you know that during her period the geometry, (the friggin shape of a girl's brain!) can change up to 25%!
So guys, if the girl you were dating now seems like someone you would never ever date, it's because she has literally become a completely different person.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Flo
( i can't take credit for that one though)