Hello, all. If you missed it, a couple weeks ago my family went on holiday (I’ve always wanted to know what it feels like to write “on holiday”) to Washington DC. If you haven’t been, go. It was really a great trip, and there is plenty to do for those of all interests.
It was a more than eight hour drive, so I had to find a way to pass the time. I took my iPod, my laptop, a Time, a Newsweek, Emerson’s summer reading (The Motorcycle Diaries, by the Ernesto “Che” Guevara), and my old, beat-up copy of Orwell’s (no first name needed) 1984. The rest of my reading things went unused, and I dived into a rereading of the old classic.
I first read 1984 during Sophomore year, and therein discovered my love for dystopian literature. I happened across my copy of the book at Triton when I found it on the floor near a trash-can after the last week of school. It sat next to an old, well loved textbook and a destroyed Shakespeare, and I intervened to save it from certain internment in a landfill. It was obvious that this book could not be issued for student reading anymore, even in the face of Triton’s budget woes. Its paperback cover had long ago fallen away, but it still proudly proclaimed “84, George Orwell” on its now front cover. I’m guessing the numbers “19” were on the page to the left of it, but I have no way of knowing. As it could be said (only those who have read the book will understand), the book is coverless, it was always coverless, and it will always be coverless.
1984 was on my list of books to reread, but I felt that it would be worth it to buy new, so I could lend it to friends, peers, and one day, to my children (yes, I thought that far ahead, I hold this book in very high regard). But I felt obligated to claim this mutilated copy, especially considering the themes on which the book is based.
1984, along with Farenheight 451 and Brave New World, are favorites of mine, and were all written within ten years of each other. Despite being written to satirize and delegitimize Soviet-style totalitarianism, this trio of books has only gained relevance and potency over the decades, after the Cold War and Soviet totalitarianism have largely subsided. Now, in the midst of the information age, we are no more out of the woods on the issues of freedom of information and freedom of being than we were fifty years ago. Omniscient “thought police” intelligence agencies, limitless surveillance techniques, alterations of the past, corruption and graft at society’s top, and forbiddance of books and sections of the internet abound in much today’s world.
Many of you may anticipate where I’m going, and I’ll beat you to it. The United States is not “Orwellian.” America of 2006 is eons apart from 1984’s Oceania. But visiting the nation’s capital while reading the book made me think about the way the Bush Administration likes to do business, and made me notice some un-over-lookable parallels between Ingsoc and Bush methodology. These quoted passages are long—feel free to skim, it’s quicker and you’ll get the main idea.
First, contradiction in name of agency or law as a means of justification.
Even the names of the four Ministries by which we are governed exhibit a sort of impudence in their deliberate reversal of the facts. The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy; they are deliberate exercises in doublethink. (Chapter 9)
Bush Administration:
The Bush administration developed a plan called the Clear Skies initiative and submitted it to Congress in February 2003 as a proposal to amend the Clean Air Act, which is the primary federal law governing air quality. But "Clear Skies" is a clear misnomer, because if Congress passes the Clear Skies bill, the result will be to weaken and delay health protections already required under the law. The Clear Skies legislation sets new targets for emissions of sulfur dioxide, mercury, and nitrogen oxides from U.S. power plants. But these targets are weaker than those that would be put in place if the Bush administration simply implemented and enforced the existing law! Compared to current law, the Clear Skies plan would allow three times more toxic mercury emissions, 50 percent more sulfur emissions, and hundreds of thousands more tons of smog-forming nitrogen oxides. It would also delay cleaning up this pollution by up to a decade compared to current law and force residents of heavily-polluted areas to wait years longer for clean air compared to the existing Clean Air Act. (http://www.nrdc.org/air/pollution/qbushplan.asp#clearskies)
The Healthy Forest Restoration Act was sold as a pro-environment bill that would reduce the risk of large forest fires. However, most environmental groups argued that the title “healthy forests” was a dangerous misnomer and that the bill would actually cause harm to our forests not protect them. The Union of Concerned Scientists noted in their newsletter earthwise (Winter 2003-2004 edition) that commercial timber companies “would be contracted to thin forests in exchange for the trees they cut down, so there is a financial incentive to cut down larger, more valuable trees that actually help keep fires from spreading. There were also no restrictions placed on where thinning could occur; so, rather than protecting communities at risk, timber companies could harvest in remote areas where fires pose no immediate threat to people or property.”
Second, alteration/denial of the past.
On the sixth day of Hate Week, after the processions, the speeches, the shouting, the singing, the banners, the posters, the films, the waxworks, the rolling of drums and squealing of trumpets, the tramp of marching feet, the grinding of the caterpillars of tanks, the roar of massed planes, the booming of guns -- after six days of this, when the great orgasm was quivering to its climax and the general hatred of Eurasia had boiled up into such delirium that if the crowd could have got their hands on the 2,000 Eurasian war-criminals who were to be publicly hanged on the last day of the proceedings, they would unquestionably have torn them to pieces -- at just this moment it had been announced that Oceania was not after all at war with Eurasia. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Eurasia was an ally. There was, of course, no admission that any change had taken place. Merely it became known, with extreme suddenness and everywhere at once, that Eastasia and not Eurasia was the enemy…One minute more, and the feral roars of rage were again bursting from the crowd. The Hate continued exactly as before, except that the target had been changed. (Chapter 9)
President Bush:
(6/18/02) Reporter: “Do you believe that there is a link between Saddam Hussein, a direct link, and the men who attacked on September the 11th?”
Bush: “I can't make that claim.”
(6/17/04) “The reason I keep insisting that there was a relationship between Iraq and Saddam and al Qaeda: because there was a relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda. There's numerous contacts between the two.”
(New York Times, 7/13/04) Mr. Bush was asked in June 2004 whether he would fire anyone who leaked Ms. Wilson's name. Without hesitation, he said "yes."
(7/18/05) "If somebody committed a crime, they will no longer work in my administration."
Third, “War is Peace.”
“The war is waged by each ruling group against its own subjects, and the object of the war is not to make or prevent conquests of territory, but to keep the structure of society intact. The very word 'war', therefore, has become misleading…The effect would be much the same if the three super-states, instead of fighting one another, should agree to live in perpetual peace, each inviolate within its own boundaries. For in that case each would still be a self-contained universe, freed for ever from the sobering influence of external danger. A peace that was truly permanent would be the same as a permanent war. This -- although the vast majority of Party members understand it only in a shallower sense -- is the inner meaning of the Party slogan: War is Peace.” (Chapter 9)
President Bush:
“I want to thank the choir for coming, the youngsters for being here. I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace. We want people to live in peace all around the world. I mean, our vision for peace extends beyond America. We believe in peace in South Asia. We believe in peace in the Middle East. We're going to be steadfast toward a vision that rejects terror and killing, and honors peace and hope. I also want the young to know that this country, we don't conquer people, we liberate people -- because we hold true to our values of life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The security of our homeland, the need to make sure that America is safe and secure while we chase peace is my number one priority for the country.” (http://www.studentsfororwell.org/yarr/warispeace)
On Wednesday, November 3 2004, the day after our country reelected President Bush, our own Erik sat at a Triton Library computer, uttering, “We’re screwed,” under his breath.
Are we? Far from it. But we have to pay closer attention, and improve our sophisication of how we gain our understanding of the news and the government. The media has turned our newscasts and newspapers into propaganda. The 30-minute newscast (22 minus commercials) devotes about 90 seconds to its top story, and only superficially reports the news, while adding the spin of its given network. The consolidation of media companies into a few megacorporations (see chart: http://www.mediachannel.org/ownership/chart.shtml) has resulted in selective purges and censorship of the news. The front page filling “gotcha” photos on major newspapers (see The Boston Herald or New York Post) look more like picture books than the deliverers of the day’s news. The sound bite-ization of our public officials’ speeches allow President Bush and political spin masters to disguise their words as truth.
And even if the Rove-driven political machine did want to turn the United States into an absolutist police state, they have proven too incompetent. Their errs would block whatever progress they could make. What could, however, allow America to fall victim to this scenario is our nationwide case of ADD. I’m a huge fan of CNN. It’s quick and easy. It wraps up the world into a handy half-hour long package. I watch for 30 minutes, and BAM! I’m on my way, armed with the day's news. Believe it or not, the goings-on of the world cannot be compressed into a half-hour bloc of Paula Zahn. It just does not work that way, and because we think it does, terrible tradgedies happen.
What happened to the Darfur Sudan crisis when ABC's World News Tonight ran out of room to report it? It wasn’t solved. It didn’t go away. But we forgot and stopped talking about it because news anchors no longer brought the subject to the forefront of our minds.
Hurricane Katrina? By December, it was off the news, but its refugees were not off the streets. It only returned to newscasts to be in time for the anniversary specials, where much of the Gulf Coast is still trapped in September of 05.
Stem cell research? Not enough room! It was a hot topic in July-August of 2005 and June of this year, but not since. And besides, cancer can cure itself.
AIDS in Africa? That story is tired. And it makes Americans feel guilty and uncomfortable.
Our nation’s immigration policies? The ones that have failed our citizens, our businesses, and the immigrants themselves? Congress did nothing, but the story is gone from the news.
1.1 billion of the world’s people not having clean drinking water? Nope. That one was never on the news, it isn’t sexy enough, viewers might have clicked over to another newscast, and we don’t want that!
Michael Jackson, Natalee Holloway, JonBenet Ramsey, Jessica Lunsford, Martha Stewart, Katie Couric, Barry Bonds, Ann Coulter. Yah! There’s some real news! They can have as much of the newscasts as they want, that’s what the public wants to hear about!
I guess what I’m trying to say is, AMERICA: WAKE THE HELL UP. If we don’t inform and teach ourselves, no one is going to do it for you. Seek out “whole grain” news, instead of “white bread” options. Watch and listen to public broadcasting, PBS’ on television and NPR on the radio. Read blogs and news services that aren’t affiliated with corporations (by the way, I’m not claiming that we should be you news source, then we really would be screwed). Find BBC World Service on the newsdial. If you’re a Liberal, listen to Conservative talk radio to develop counterpoints. If you’re a Conservative, listen to Air America, or visit any forum on the internet (they’re all left anyways). And if you do have to fall back on Fox News or CBS or The Boston Herald, DON’T TAKE THEIR WORD FOR IT! Review what is reported and look for signs of bias or omission in the article/report. Trust me, they are there. Please, do not overlook what is happening around us. It is not just a governmental phenomenon, but a media and cultural one too.
Thank you for trudging all the way through this entry. It is long and it’s content heavy, but I believe it is vitally important. Good luck, members of the Brotherhood.
We will meet in the place where there is no darkness…
I did cite from where on the internet i took the quotes, but the research was compiled by Students for an Orwellian Society (studentsfororwell.org). Visit the site and see if you noticed all of the loops we've been thrown by the media/Bush Administration, I know I didn't.