Live log/commentary, 6/05 Republican Debate
This is mostly a response-by-response synopsis of tonight’s Republican debate. I did not do this for the Democratic debate because I didn’t feel like it. But trust me, their answers were just as flawed. The quotations I selected, of course, were what I myself found interesting, eloquent, or contradictory. Frankly, much of the time, I was out to poke holes in the responses of the respective candidates. I typed “applause” or “cheers” towards the beginning of the log, but I got lazy and stopped after a little while.
By the way—and I do not hide this at all—Mitt Romney sucks balls. I thought he was rather lacking tonight. For the first time in the campaign, he seemed old (he is 60). He looked slick, but was nonsensical and scattered. He tried to answer three questions in every one asked of him, and ended up being all over the map. At times he reminded me of Mike Gravel on the Democratic side. He needs to be rehearsed more. Too much of the true Mitt came through for his own good.
Giuliani spent the night slamming Democrats, not challenging the other Republican candidates. Will this extend his lead? I don’t know. It was a very odd tactical shift, in my eyes. Slamming President Bush has worked for the dudes (and gal) on the Democratic side, yet Rudy seems to have left an opening tonight for McCain by attacking the other side this early.
CNN’s “approval dial” gimmick is flat out stupid. That works in marketing and focus groups for pilots of TV shows, but not for politics. Ugh.
Mike Huckabee had the answer of the night on a questing about evolution (which Huckabee denied in the last debate). I like him. He seems genuine, and is also an inspirational presence, having lost and kept off 100 pounds .
John McCain won tonight’s debate, in my estimation. He was candid, funny, and feisty and seemed to return to the “straight talk”-style of his 2000 campaign. I disagree with him on many issues (most of all, the war), but his defense of his immigration policy was blunt, counter-strike-minded, and in touch with reason and fact.
With the buzz Ron Paul has generated (especially online and amongst Democrats), I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up being courted as the libertarian party nominee.
Fred Thompson did not participate in tonight’s debate, but was present in the audience. Thompson still has time and a very, very good shot at the nomination.
Arianna Huffington’s headline after the last Republican Debate: “10 middle-aged white guys standing on a stage.” Tonight was more of the same. Hopefully there will be half as many in debates from this point on.
McCain: “We must succeed in this conflict.” Draws applause. “We must give [the troop surge and Gen. Patreus’ strategy] a chance to succeed.” Is four years fair?
Thompson: Let Iraqi parliament vote on
Hunter: Displace American “heavy combat forces” with Iraqi battalions.
Paul: “It was a mistake to go, so it’s a mistake to stay.” Surprisingly, a smattering of applause. Is this guy at the right debate?
Huckabee: First (two) mentions of Ronald Reagan of the night.
Tancredo: Nice evoking of
Brownback: Wins the neckwear-of-the-night award. “Work with labor union movement inside of
Hunter knows his stuff on the history of national defense. His policies are another issue.
Giuliani: Slams Democrats again. “[The War on Terror] is not a bumper sticker; this war is a real war.” (In response to John Edward’s assertion in the Dem’s debate.) The war is not a bumper sticker. Ok, Goo Gone won’t bring the troops home. Got it.
Gilmore: Why is this guy on the stage? And Paul? And T. Thomson? And Hunter? And Tancredo? Room needs to be made for Fred Thompson in the next debate (I think he’ll be in), and these guys have to make a move in their campaigns or leave.
I fucking hate Romney. “We’re not arrogant, we have resolve.” “Help move Islam towards modernity.” Applause.
Tancredo on immigration: Consequences of McCain-Kennedy would be “incredible, disastrous.” “Whether of not we will actually survive as a nation.” “Split apart into a lot of balkanized nations…talking about the English language…we are becoming a bilingual nation.” Applause. Ignorant cheers. Foolishness.
Giuliani: “Typical
Romney on McCain and immigration: “He’s my friend.” Z-visa a real problem. “Illegal aliens.” Applause.
McCain: Pokes finger in Giuliani’s eye. “National security issue.” “For us to do nothing is silent and de facto amnesty.” We have come together. “If someone else has a better idea, I’d love them to present it to us”…that can have enough support to pass as legislation. Talks right through Blitzer stop sign. Cheers.
Giuliani: “Doesn’t provide for a unified database. Many countries have it. Our country doesn’t have it.”
Romney: Cracks a smile. What a phony bastard.
Hunter: “This is a disastrous bill.” “If they get across my fence we sign ‘em up for the Olympics immediately.” “It’s a bad bill.”
Brownback: First utterance of “comprehensive.” Surprising it took so long. He’s McCain on the bill.
Thompson: “Securing the border will allow everything else to follow.” “This bill, no matter how you cover it, is an amnesty bill.”
Paul: Voted for 834 mile US-Mexico fence. “Because of our economic conditions, we need workers…[the illegal immigrants] have become a scapegoat.”
Mass question on English as an official language: McCain brings up the sovereignty of Native Americans. Says there is a provision in the bill for immigrants to learn English.
Fridge run
Giuliani on abortion: Lightning strikes/sound cuts out before Giuliani answers question! Omen? Hand of God? Big belly laughs all around.
Freaking Romney on abortion: “We were debating cloning…embryo farming…I want to make it clear I am pro-life…traditional marriage…abstinence education.” So not the question. Not the question! He’s being too broad with his answers.
Huckabee on evolution (or lack thereof): “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth.” Very eloquent. “Six days or six days that represent a period of time.” I like him a lot. Outstanding response. Answer of the night.
Brownback: Why does he squint so much? “How He did it, I don’t know.” “Faith in science…aren’t at odds with each other…we should engage faith and reason like
McCain: Tips cap to Huckabee. Deservedly so. “All of our children in school can be taught different views on different issues…I leave that up to the school boards.”
Romney: That guy in
Paul: “We don’t have one case fit all.” Libertarian/local philosophy of politics.
Giuliani on global warming: “I think we have to accept the view that scientists have…and there is a way to deal with it and address it…also a matter of national security…we need a project similar to putting a man on the moon.
Romney on energy: “I’d like to see big oil invest in refineries.” “Biofuel...ethanol…more drilling in ANWR.”
McCain: Nuclear power. “Alternate energy sources…national security issue.”
Ron Paul’s eyebrows are too high for a Republican’s.
Ron Paul on don’t ask don’t tell: “I think this policy is a decent policy.” Homosexual and heterosexual activity in the military should be “dealt with” (meaning prohibited).
Giuliani on homosexual translators in the military: “This is not the time to deal with a disruptive issue like this…this would not be the right time to raise these issues.”
Romney flip flops on don’t ask don’t tell. For it in 1994, against it now. “I turned out to be wrong.” Please
McCain: “Terrific mistake to even reopen this issue…it is working my friends.”
Mass question on don’t ask don’t tell. Complete inverse of Democrats (all support current policies).
How would you use George W. Bush?
Thompson: “I would certainly not send him to the United Nations.” Deafening silence! Awkward tension. Sweet. “I think he would help young people realize that public service is a very worthy cause.”
Brownback: “President Clinton…should defer himself to the person in the job.” (Meaning President Bush.)
Tancredo: “I’m afraid I would have to tell George W. Bush the same thing Karl Rove told me.” (Take a hike.)
Hunter turns question on hypothetical Scooter Libby pardon into a Ramos and Compeon question. Sly maneuver. Applause.
Giuliani and Romney refuse to abide by yes/no question on Libby. Brownback and Tancredo would pardon Libby. Applause? Really?
Reassembly of stage for “town hall”-style segment.
Back to debate.
Question from sister of soldier killed in Iraq War. What would you as commander-in-chief to bring this conflict to a point in which we can safely bring my troops home?
Duncan Hunter’s son is in
Brownback. Wasn’t listening. I’m getting tired.
McCain rises from seat, looks woman in eye to answer question. I dislike him less and less. “This is long and hard and tough. I believe we can succeed, and God bless you.” Wow, excellent, emotional, real life answer. Lump in my throat right now. Don’t count this guy out! He’s still a stand up guy.
Paul: “Just leave!” “Give them an incentive!” “We have a lot of goodness in this country, but never through the barrel of a gun…like the neo-cons say…it doesn’t work.”
Giuliani: “We didn’t take the second step…people can only live in democracy if they have an orderly existence.”
Do you believe a conservative platform can mesh with a conservationist agenda?
Gilmore: “I believe it can.”
Tancredo: “Teddy Roosevelt…” “Make conservation profitable.”
Prescription drug costs. US vs. rest of world?
Giuliani: “Major tax deduction so you can buy your own health insurance.” “Should become like homeowners insurance, like health insurance.” “We need a free market.” Slams Dems again. “When we make health insurance free, just wait and see how expensive it’ll become.” Great answer. I’m with him 100% on this.
Hunter: “We need to be able to buy our insurance policies across state lines, Wolf.” Another good point.
Single-payer system in which the government acts as the insurer?
Thompson: 7% of health care monies spent on prevention. 93% after they get sick. Wellness system. Educate on cardiovascular, obesity (he himself could learn a few things). Go paperless on healthcare, you’ll save 10%. Reps beating pants of Dems on answers on this issue!
Romney on Mass healthcare plan. “Personal responsibility.” “I’m the guy who actually tackled this issue.” “The market works.” Well-rehearsed response.
What is the most pressing moral issue facing the country today?
Huckabee is genuinely funny! Sanctity of every human life. “Beyond the gestation period, we have not demonstrated as demonstratively as we should”…caring for peoples in all stages of life.
Giuliani: “We have great gifts in this country that come to us from God.” “Are we able to share those gifts with the rest of the world?” “The way Ronald Reagan did with Communism.” “Not just American ideals, they come from God.”
Paul: Pre-emptive war not part of American tradition. “We have rejected the just war tradition of Christianity.” “We have to come to our senses about this issue.” “Not to think that we can change the world by force of arms.”
Brownback: “I am pro-life. I am whole life.” “We’ve been a party that has stood for a culture of life.” “Applies to someone in poverty, applies to someone in
Question for Romney: You’ve been accused of flip-flopping on immigration? Spanish speaking version of website! Spanish advertisements! You said ENGLISH SHOULLD BE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE! “Reach out to them in any language I can.” (What a tool.) Rambled. Came off as batty. Irrelevant musings.
Tancredo: “No I would not advertise in Spanish.” “Bilingual countries don’t work.” Hmm. Don’t tell
McCain: “First of all, Governor, Muchas Gracias.” Laughs, applause, Tancredo pisses pants. (McCain still has some fight!) Go to Vietnam War Memorial: you’ll find a lot of Hispanic Names. Same in
McCain on why Republicans were defeated: “Spending, spending, spending.” “We’ve got to stop the earmarks.” “I’ll veto every bill that has a pork barrel project on it.” (Impossible. Pipe dream. You’ll veto everything. But hey, he said it in his own accord, and this has been his stated position as far back as we can remember.)
What has been President Bush’s greatest mistake?
Giuliani: Establish accountability in
Romney: Going from large bore to small bore. Ronald Regan... (What the hell is he talking about?)
Brownback: Taking on and ending cancer within 10 years.
Thompson: We didn’t come up with new ideas. Make sure we really are conservatives.
Tancredo: “The President ran as a conservative and governed as a liberal.”
Paul: “No nation-building and no policing of the world.”
Gilmore: Principles. Immigration, spending, taxes. Hilary Clinton is wrong (she also is not on the stage or President Bush).
Hunter: Pass policies constant with the American family.
Huckabee: Lack of communication with the people.
What does it mean to be American?
Tancredo: “If you come here as an immigrant: welcome.” “Let’s be serious about this, guys.” “Are we ready for a time out?” (How old is he? You guys? Time out?) “The process of assimilation is not going on.” “Until we have to press 1 for English, and 2 for any other language.” (and 3 to deport Tom Tancredo. That would be great irony.)
Huckabee: If you come here, you come here through the same process by which we would come to another country.
Giuliani: Abraham Lincoln, who fought the Know-Nothing movement, said “how much do you believe in freedom.” “If we lose that, we lose the genius of what”....
McCain: To share a common principle of inalienable lights endowed by God. Still a beacon of hope and liberty. Invokes Reagan.
What would you do to bring back moderate Republicans and Republicans turned independents?
Gilmore: “I believe conservatism still stands for all people.” “We understand the value of every single person as a taxpayer.”
Hunter on Schwarzenegger: No. Romney has passed socialism in healthcare reform.
Romney: Ronald Reagan. Stool with three legs: strong military, strong economy, and strong family and strong family value. And optimism.
Giuliani: “The way to accomplish what you want is to nominate me.” Touché. “Fight this impulse to raise taxes, socialize medicine.”
McCain: “Protect our American family.” “Radical Islamic terrorism.” “Transcendent struggle between good and evil.”